Category Archives: Detox with water

Preparing For a Body Detox

Preparing for a body detox does take some consideration and planning especially if it is for a lengthy period of time.  Holidays and week ends is a great time to go on a detox diet. There are several reasons why holidays for singles or retired adults on a retreat or a holiday can spend time with low energy use and focus on the natural environment and the surroundings.  My favorite locations for fasting are the somewhere where there is water, a lake or the coast. Also I have found that some activities are a must, It may be walking, hiking, photography,  reading,  writing, online work, blogging what ever one needs to do. But doing nothing is much harder for the mind to handle when fasting for long period of time, e.g. 3- 10 days. Being creatively active in low energy activities, e.g. swimming and exploring does take the boredom of doing nothing on an empty stomach. You may spend time in prayer, but that too should be a creative activity to keep it alive with faith.

Preparing For a Body Detox

Are you ready to cleanse your body with a detox? If this is your first time doing so, you may be wondering what you need to do prepare. Continue reading on to find out.

Research your detox diet options. Yes, you may have already done this, but do it again. To have a successful detoxification, you need to choose the right method. For example, water fasting works for some, but you may find it too difficult to go a week without solid foods. Do not try a popular detox that you know you cannot stick to. Instead, find the plan that works best for you.

Speak to your doctor. Although many Americans start a body detox at home without first consulting with their doctor, you are advised to do so. This is particularly true if you suffer from medical conditions, such as thyroid problems, obesity, or diabetes. In many cases, your doctor will develop plan for you to safely detox, but it may not involve the plan you had selected. You may not even need to schedule an appointment, as your doctor may be able to provide you with a quick, over-the-phone consultation.

Start weaning yourself off of your “must haves.” Do you need to have a glass of soda everyday, a couple of cigarettes throughout the day, or two cups of coffee in the morning? These items will be eliminated from your diet while on a detox. Unfortunately, many Americans have become dependent on caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes. If you are one of those individuals, you may suffer from withdrawal. To lessen the impact, start weaning yourself from these items. For example, do you drink three cups of coffee a day? If so, start with 2 ½ cups and slowly work your way down. Start this process at least a week before you intend to detox.

Begin to buy supplies. Regardless of how you intend to detoxify your body, you will need to buy supplies. The only exception is water fasting and if you intend to use tap water. If you opt for the Master Cleanse, your shopping list will include fresh lemons or limes, cayenne pepper, grade b maple syrup, natural salt, and senna tea. If you opt for a juice fast, your list may include all-natural juices or a juicer and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Great a goal plan. You may already have a main goal in mind, such as removing stored toxins and waste from your body or losing weight, but create more detailed goals. For example, are you on the Master Cleanse? How long do you intend to detox? Although 10 days is recommended, some aim for more or less. Determine exactly how long you want to detox.

Create a list of distractions. Similar to creating a goal plan, you need to develop a plan to overcome the urge to quit. If you are on the Master Cleanse, water fasting, or juice fasting, you will likely experience severe to moderate hunger pains. After all, who wouldn’t after a week of no food? Many are able to overcome the side effects of a strenuous detox, but you may need some help. Create a plan ahead of time, such as having your favorite movies on hand, extra spending money for a shopping trip, and so forth.

Finally, make sure you have support. A body detox with the use of fasting can be difficult on your physical body, as well as your emotions. If you do not have a strong support system at home, turn to the internet. Suggestions, support, and advice from others can go a long way.

Is a Detox Diet Right For You?

Is a Detox Diet Right For You? In recent years, body detoxification and cleansing has increased in popularity. At one time, many just believed that detoxification was for those dependent on drugs and alcohol. Now, detoxification is being promoted as a health benefit. A number of well-known celebrities have brought the process to light. Although body detoxification does have a number of benefits, is it right for you?

Is a Detox Diet Right For You?

Health conditions. Do you have any diagnosed health condition? For example, do you have a thyroid condition or diabetes? If so, you should never detox your body, especially if water fasting is involved, without first speaking to a healthcare professional. Yes, detoxification and fasting does have many benefits, but those with certain health conditions may do more harm than good.

Excessive weight. Are you overweight? If so, that may be on the reason why you chose to detoxify or cleanse your body. As previously stated, many celebrities have brought cleansing and detoxification into the forefront. Along with that, came the realization that cleansing and detoxification can lead to weight loss. Although you are advised against detoxing your body just for weight loss, you are likely to lose weight.

Ability to stay on track. Are you able to set goals and stick with them? If so, you may be able to successfully complete a detox diet. Unfortunately, many do not realize how difficult these diets can be. Participating in the Master Cleanse, a water fast, or a juice fast can be very hard to adjust to, as all solid food are eliminated from your diet. Even just limiting your food intake to organic foods can be difficult if you are dependant on caffeine, which should be eliminated from your diet.

Lack energy. A lack of energy can be something as simple as not getting enough sleep. It can also be the sign of an underlying medical condition, such as a thyroid problem. Also, it can be due to the consumption of unnatural chemicals and additives. For example, caffeine helps to give us energy, but did you know that too much caffeine can have an adverse effect, leaving you fatigued? Detoxifying your body may help to restore your energy.

Desire. Do you want to improve your health? Are you tired of not looking your age or are you just tired all the time? If so, a detox diet may be able to help. Over the years, you may have consumed many foods and drinks with unnatural chemical and additives. Yes, these are regarded as being “safe,” but not all are expelled from our body. A detox diet or cleanse can help to rid your body of these toxins, leaving your body clean and pure again.

Drug dependency. Do you have a dependency on drugs? Whether those drugs are legal prescriptions drugs or illegal narcotics, you may be seeking help. First and foremost, congratulations. Asking for help and stopping drug consumption can be difficult, but it is an important step to take. Unfortunately, wanting to detox your body to rid yourself of a drug dependency is different than doing so for improving your health or giving you more energy. For that reason, speak to your healthcare professional.

Alcohol dependency. Do you have a dependency on alcohol? As with drugs, detoxification can help, but it is important to speak with a healthcare professional. Overtime, your body will grow dependent on alcohol. If you are at that point, the withdrawal symptoms may be too much for you and your body to handle on its own. Although you can detox at home, it is recommended that you do so under the care of a professional healthcare provider.

In short, a body detox or cleanse does have a number of benefits, but it is not the right choice for everyone. If you opt for a detox diet, but find it difficult or painful to continue on, stop immediately and seek the advice of a trained healthcare provider.

How You Can Cleanse Your Body With Water

How you can cleanse your body with water is a simple solution to flushing the many systems of the body with only consuming fresh clean water for a time period.

How you can cleanse your body with water

Are you concerned with your health? Do you feel sluggish or full of fatigue? If so, there may be an underlying medical condition. On the other hand, your body may be filled with unnatural chemicals, additives, and other toxins. Many of these unnatural are found in our food and drinks. Ridding your body of these toxins and making it “pure,” again may help to restore your health, or at least your energy.

Although there are some disputes among medical professionals as to whether or not there are health benefits to body cleanses and body detoxes, may still opt to give it a try. For many, the benefits outweigh the risks. There are a number of ways to detoxify the body, but the use of water tends to be the most popular. If you would like to try detoxifying your body with water, you may be wondering which approach to take.

One way that you can use water to detox or cleanse the body is with a water fast. A water fast length can greatly vary, but many fast for no more than 5 days. On a water fast, water is the only thing consumed. Solids and other liquids are eliminated from your diet. This allows your body to flush out and expels toxins, without having new ones added in.

Although many claim a water fast is the best way to detoxify the body, there are some risks involved. No foods are consumed; therefore, your body will go without important nutrients for the length of your detox. Since many of these nutrients are needed for energy, limited activity is recommended. Many are encouraged not to maintain their normal exercise routine while on a water fast. Once you resume eating healthy foods, at the conclusion of your water fast, you should notice an improvement in your energy levels. In fact, you may feel “like new.”

A water fast, although it does come recommended, is not for everyone. Even where fasting is used for religious purposes, exceptions are often made for those with health conditions. For example, if you are taking prescription medicine, you should continue to do so while on a water fast. However, before making the decision to fast only on water, speak to a healthcare professional. In some cases, a fast can do more harm than good. This is common with diabetes.

In addition to fasting and only consuming water, it can be used to aid in other methods. For example, restricting calories or processed foods with additives. When limiting your food intake, as well as additives, your body can begin to detox. The process can be hurried along with the consumption of water. For added benefits, eat foods that are high in fiber. When combined, water and fiber can help to improve your digestive system, ensuring toxins are eliminated as our body originally intended.

In addition to whole body detoxification and cleansing, you will find colon cleaning. Water fasting, as highlighted above, can aid in this as well. Another approach is with the salt water flush. Although popular, the salt water flush does have some dangers, as your body will intake and may absorb high amounts of sodium. Instructions vary depending on where you find the information, but most salt water flushes involve 1 quart of room temperature water and 2 teaspoons of sea salt. It is recommended that you lay on your right side for about 30 minutes. After that, you can move around, but you will be making multiple trips to the bathroom.

As you can see, there are a number of ways that water can help you detoxify or cleanse the body. Before starting, closely examine your options. For fastest results, a water fast is advised, but remember that there are risks associated with all dietary changes. So, use your best judgment, listen to the warning signs your body displays, and seek the advice of a trained healthcare provider.