Category Archives: Hamas is a Ideological Fanatical Sadistic Terror Group

The Untold Stories: Israeli Women’s Experiences of Hamas Terror on October 7 2023

The Shocking Details of the October 7, 2023 Terror Attack on Israeli civilians.

On October 7, 2023, a devastating terror attack took place in the heart of Israeli Kibbutz Communities, among people who welcomed thousands of manual labourers from Gaza to work the many horticulture gardens along the Israel-Gaza border region in Israel.

Leaving a trail of destruction and loss in its wake. The attack targeted a Kibbutz communities, resulting in 1200 deaths and many thousands of permanent injuries. The perpetrators behind the Hamas heinous act in Iran have yet to be brought to justice, leaving many in Israel border community grappling with feelings of fear and uncertainty.

The attack unfolded with alarming speed, catching many by surprise and causing widespread panic among those caught in the terror attack.

3000 Rockets fired from Gaza on October 7, 2023.

The scene was chaotic and harrowing, with the IDF and the emergency responders rushing to the scene to fight off Hamas terrorists and to provide aid to the injured, and secure the area. The aftermath of the attack left a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the ever-present threat of violence in the Middle East Iran terror regime-led proxies.

As the details of the attack continue to emerge, we are faced with the harsh reality of the toll it has taken on the Kibbutz communities. 1200 Lives have been lost, 250 people taken hostage, 4000 + injured, families torn apart, and a sense of security shattered. 10, 000 rockets have been launched from Gaza in the last 12 months. It is a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and unity in the face of such senseless acts of violence.

Remembering the Victims of Hamas Sadistic Terror on October 7, 2023

In the wake of this tragedy, it is important to take a moment to remember and honor the victims of the October 7, 2023 terror attack. Each life lost is a profound loss to our community, and we must not let their memories fade into the background. Their stories, their dreams, and their potential were cut short in an instant, and we owe it to them to keep their memory alive. Israel is on the right side of the El Shaddai Angels.

Truth, Courage, Temperance and Justice are on Israel side as it is written in the Torah.

The victims of this attack were sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, friends and neighbors. They were individuals with hopes and aspirations, with loved ones who now mourn their untimely passing. As we reflect on their lives and the impact they had on those around them, we are reminded of the preciousness of life and the need to cherish every moment we have with our loved ones.

Moving Forward with Resilience

In the face of such tragedy, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. However, it is in times like these that our resilience and strength as a community are truly put to the test. We must come together to support one another, to grieve together, and to find ways to heal from the wounds inflicted by this senseless act of violence.

As we remember the victims of the October 7, 2023 terror attack, let us also commit ourselves to building a more God fearing Justice, righteousness, peaceful and just society. Let us stand united against evil ideological fanatics, misguided worldviews, erroneous philosophies, mindless hatred, and antisemitic division, and work towards creating faith in a God-guided world where such acts of violence are no longer a reality. Together, we can honor the memory of those we have lost and create a legacy of hope and resilience for future generations.

Massive Aid Handouts to the People in Gaza

2000s: Israel disengages

The European Union paid €420 million in aid to the Palestinian territories in 2001. This was in addition to contributions by individual member states. This included €55 million from Germany, €67 million from France, and £63.6 million (about €76 million) from Great Britain in 2007 alone. Donation levels have since increased, with the United States and the European Union giving $7.7 billion in 2008-2010.

In September 2000, 24,000 Palestinians crossed out of Gaza daily to work in Israel. Many Gazans worked in the Israeli service industry while the border was open, but in the wake of Israel’s 2005 disengagement plan, Gazans could no longer do so. According to OXFAM, Gaza suffered from serious shortages in housing, educational facilities, health facilities, infrastructure, and an inadequate sewage system, contributing to serious hygiene and public health problems.

After Israel’s disengagement, there was increased freedom of movement within Gaza due to Israel’s removal of its settlements. Smugglers, militant groups, and entrepreneurs dug tunnels into Egypt, creating a booming “tunnel economy”. Israel’s disengagement also resulted in loss of the settlement factories, workshops, and greenhouses where Gazans were employed.

How Did the People of Gaza Use the Massive Aid Given to Them?

The Hezbollah used it to build an underground Metro, to wage a war of terror on the people of Israel.

The United States and the European Union gave $7.7 billion in 2008-2010.


Women On October 7th Massacre in Israel.

420 + Female Victims.

800 + Male Victims

On October 7th, a coordinated wave of assault by the Hamas terror organization resulted in the deaths of over 320 women.

Additionally, about 100 women and girls were kidnapped. Women and girls caught in the rampage were sexually brutalized, physically tortured, and killed. Survivors witnessed it, and surveillance footage caught it.

100 days after October 7th, 17 Israeli women are still held hostage. Thirty women aged 12 to 48, who have been released from captivity, endured sexual abuse during their time in captivity.

In one instance captured on video, a woman was seen with her dress torn, her body gruesomely mutilated and burned, a stark representation of the violence inflicted upon the victims.

Photographs viewed by The Times showed a woman’s corpse found in the rubble of a besieged kibbutz, with her thighs penetrated by dozens of nails, further illustrating the severity of the assaults.

Another video provided by the Israeli military showed two dead soldiers, shot directly in their vaginas, emphasizing the targeted nature of these heinous acts​​.

Survivors, women who endured the horrors of the attacks, were not only confronted with the profound loss of their loved ones but also subjected to sexual assault.

The Hamas perpetrators, primarily men, went beyond acts of violence; they deliberately targeted women, treating them as property or vessels to inflict harm on the state of Israel.

Women, falling victim to severe assaults that ultimately led to their tragic deaths, left their horrifying experiences to be recounted by first responders witnessing many who endure profound violations of their humanity and subjected to unspeakable acts of sexual mutilation.

This gender-specific war crime compounds the already distressing impact of the assaults and calls for the urgent need to look at its broader consequences.

The is a comprehensive site dedicated to shedding light on the many events that took place during the October 7th massacre. Within this broader context, our focus here is specifically on women’s experiences during these tragic events.


Proverbs 29:12 ESV

“If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked”.

Proverbs 16:18 ESV

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall”.

Proverbs 11:14 ESV

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety”.

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The Western Political Leaders Are Useful Idiots that Advance Islamic Terror

The Western Political leaders do not have Moral Absolutes, therefore they are like rubber men, who can bend and mold into any crack or hole in the political environment.

They poured money into UNWRA, and UNWRA built schools and printed educational materials that advanced the cause of the head of snake in Iran. Hamas also used the money from the EU and USA to build thousands of kilometers of terror aid tunnels underground in Gaza. Yet the EU and US politicians repress the reality on the ground because they have a rubber-men worldview and fluid philosophies that only advance patronizing secular humanism. More on that later.