The Untold Stories: Israeli Women’s Experiences of Hamas Terror on October 7 2023

The Shocking Details of the October 7, 2023 Terror Attack on Israeli civilians.

On October 7, 2023, a devastating terror attack took place in the heart of Israeli Kibbutz Communities, among people who welcomed thousands of manual labourers from Gaza to work the many horticulture gardens along the Israel-Gaza border region in Israel.

Leaving a trail of destruction and loss in its wake. The attack targeted a Kibbutz communities, resulting in 1200 deaths and many thousands of permanent injuries. The perpetrators behind the Hamas heinous act in Iran have yet to be brought to justice, leaving many in Israel border community grappling with feelings of fear and uncertainty.

The attack unfolded with alarming speed, catching many by surprise and causing widespread panic among those caught in the terror attack.

3000 Rockets fired from Gaza on October 7, 2023.

The scene was chaotic and harrowing, with the IDF and the emergency responders rushing to the scene to fight off Hamas terrorists and to provide aid to the injured, and secure the area. The aftermath of the attack left a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the ever-present threat of violence in the Middle East Iran terror regime-led proxies.

As the details of the attack continue to emerge, we are faced with the harsh reality of the toll it has taken on the Kibbutz communities. 1200 Lives have been lost, 250 people taken hostage, 4000 + injured, families torn apart, and a sense of security shattered. 10, 000 rockets have been launched from Gaza in the last 12 months. It is a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and unity in the face of such senseless acts of violence.

Remembering the Victims of Hamas Sadistic Terror on October 7, 2023

In the wake of this tragedy, it is important to take a moment to remember and honor the victims of the October 7, 2023 terror attack. Each life lost is a profound loss to our community, and we must not let their memories fade into the background. Their stories, their dreams, and their potential were cut short in an instant, and we owe it to them to keep their memory alive. Israel is on the right side of the El Shaddai Angels.

Truth, Courage, Temperance and Justice are on Israel side as it is written in the Torah.

The victims of this attack were sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, friends and neighbors. They were individuals with hopes and aspirations, with loved ones who now mourn their untimely passing. As we reflect on their lives and the impact they had on those around them, we are reminded of the preciousness of life and the need to cherish every moment we have with our loved ones.

Moving Forward with Resilience

In the face of such tragedy, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. However, it is in times like these that our resilience and strength as a community are truly put to the test. We must come together to support one another, to grieve together, and to find ways to heal from the wounds inflicted by this senseless act of violence.

As we remember the victims of the October 7, 2023 terror attack, let us also commit ourselves to building a more God fearing Justice, righteousness, peaceful and just society. Let us stand united against evil ideological fanatics, misguided worldviews, erroneous philosophies, mindless hatred, and antisemitic division, and work towards creating faith in a God-guided world where such acts of violence are no longer a reality. Together, we can honor the memory of those we have lost and create a legacy of hope and resilience for future generations.

Massive Aid Handouts to the People in Gaza

2000s: Israel disengages

The European Union paid €420 million in aid to the Palestinian territories in 2001. This was in addition to contributions by individual member states. This included €55 million from Germany, €67 million from France, and £63.6 million (about €76 million) from Great Britain in 2007 alone. Donation levels have since increased, with the United States and the European Union giving $7.7 billion in 2008-2010.

In September 2000, 24,000 Palestinians crossed out of Gaza daily to work in Israel. Many Gazans worked in the Israeli service industry while the border was open, but in the wake of Israel’s 2005 disengagement plan, Gazans could no longer do so. According to OXFAM, Gaza suffered from serious shortages in housing, educational facilities, health facilities, infrastructure, and an inadequate sewage system, contributing to serious hygiene and public health problems.

After Israel’s disengagement, there was increased freedom of movement within Gaza due to Israel’s removal of its settlements. Smugglers, militant groups, and entrepreneurs dug tunnels into Egypt, creating a booming “tunnel economy”. Israel’s disengagement also resulted in loss of the settlement factories, workshops, and greenhouses where Gazans were employed.

How Did the People of Gaza Use the Massive Aid Given to Them?

The Hezbollah used it to build an underground Metro, to wage a war of terror on the people of Israel.

The United States and the European Union gave $7.7 billion in 2008-2010.


Women On October 7th Massacre in Israel.

420 + Female Victims.

800 + Male Victims

On October 7th, a coordinated wave of assault by the Hamas terror organization resulted in the deaths of over 320 women.

Additionally, about 100 women and girls were kidnapped. Women and girls caught in the rampage were sexually brutalized, physically tortured, and killed. Survivors witnessed it, and surveillance footage caught it.

100 days after October 7th, 17 Israeli women are still held hostage. Thirty women aged 12 to 48, who have been released from captivity, endured sexual abuse during their time in captivity.

In one instance captured on video, a woman was seen with her dress torn, her body gruesomely mutilated and burned, a stark representation of the violence inflicted upon the victims.

Photographs viewed by The Times showed a woman’s corpse found in the rubble of a besieged kibbutz, with her thighs penetrated by dozens of nails, further illustrating the severity of the assaults.

Another video provided by the Israeli military showed two dead soldiers, shot directly in their vaginas, emphasizing the targeted nature of these heinous acts​​.

Survivors, women who endured the horrors of the attacks, were not only confronted with the profound loss of their loved ones but also subjected to sexual assault.

The Hamas perpetrators, primarily men, went beyond acts of violence; they deliberately targeted women, treating them as property or vessels to inflict harm on the state of Israel.

Women, falling victim to severe assaults that ultimately led to their tragic deaths, left their horrifying experiences to be recounted by first responders witnessing many who endure profound violations of their humanity and subjected to unspeakable acts of sexual mutilation.

This gender-specific war crime compounds the already distressing impact of the assaults and calls for the urgent need to look at its broader consequences.

The is a comprehensive site dedicated to shedding light on the many events that took place during the October 7th massacre. Within this broader context, our focus here is specifically on women’s experiences during these tragic events.


Proverbs 29:12 ESV

“If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked”.

Proverbs 16:18 ESV

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall”.

Proverbs 11:14 ESV

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety”.

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The Western Political Leaders Are Useful Idiots that Advance Islamic Terror

The Western Political leaders do not have Moral Absolutes, therefore they are like rubber men, who can bend and mold into any crack or hole in the political environment.

They poured money into UNWRA, and UNWRA built schools and printed educational materials that advanced the cause of the head of snake in Iran. Hamas also used the money from the EU and USA to build thousands of kilometers of terror aid tunnels underground in Gaza. Yet the EU and US politicians repress the reality on the ground because they have a rubber-men worldview and fluid philosophies that only advance patronizing secular humanism. More on that later.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation News 2024 Platform Used for Antisemitic Islamic Narrative

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation News content 2024.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation News content on Monday, 08 January 2024, with Laura Tingle, interviewed a woman who filled the Australian public airways with irresponsible secular humanism propaganda. Or perhaps it was Islamic propaganda that was defending the death cult terrorists from Gaza.

The woman on the radio said that “Israel was committing genocide in Gaza”. And the politicians in Australia should appeal to the United Nations and accuse Israel of committing genocide.

The woman on Australian Broadcasting Corporation News on Monday, 08/01/2024, was completely ignorant of objective reality the sequence of events, and the objective facts behind the atrocity that occurred on October 07, 2023.

It is the death cult Hamas that has openly declared that they will do their utmost to remove Israel, the promised land that He instructed Israel to take and occupy some 3470 years ago at Mount Sinai.
The religious ideology and the financial support behind Hamas is Iran. The majority of the Middle East Arabs have been brainwashed into believing that Ishmael was the son of promise and that Mohammed was an enlightened prophet of Elohim. The truth is that the Arabs have major stumbling issues in accepting the Jews as people whom El Shaddai has made many covenants with. And that it was Isaac who was the son of Promise. Genesis 21.

The labyrinth of the human brain is much more complex than rabbit burrows or ant hills, unfortunately, many human beings and religious leaders have ignored the objective facts of the Jewish Holy Scriptures and wired their brains subjectively, according to their soulish desires and obstinate self-will.

Many Jewish prophets and sages were tested, again and again, by the Most High Elohim to give them an understanding that was objective according to the will of the Most High God.
What the IDF is doing and has done in the last two months is called a push-back, and an eradication of the death cult Hamas terrorists.
The IDF has the moral right to remove the danger to life that Hamas has manifested, and to eradicate the death-cult Hamas entirely from the Gaza strip.

The same principles apply in any rule of law government; there are law enforcement agents and police. They carry weapons, why do they carry weapons? Because human civilization has made progress towards peace and harmony in civilized major urban centres.

You would have to be a brainwashed idiot, to think, that a bunch of death-cult terrorists can organize a major terrorist attack into the territory of Israel, and to murder innocent civilians, cutting the throats of babies, burning people alive in their cars, and slaughtering over 1200 people.

The death-cult terrorist attack on Israel was a worse atrocity than the Pearl Harbour attack by the Japanese in the 1940’s. How did the United States respond to the Pearl Harbour attack? They took action to push back the Japanese aggression by declaring war on the Japanese military.

I don’t know what it is about the Middle East’s use of logic and the spirit of Antisemitism there. They seem to think that the people in Australia are ignorant of Israel’s history, which goes back some 4000 years to Abraham. They also seem to think that the people in the West have not studied theology or know the first principles of logic.

It is evident in the Jewish Holy scriptures that the Highest God has made many covenants with the people of Israel and continues to bless Israel with His Favour. And that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will never break His covenants with Israel.

Therefore, if the Islamic Arabs want openly to get on the wrong side of El Shaddai, then they only need to do two evil deeds against the will of El Shaddai.

  1. Murder innocent civilians.
  2. Murder innocent civilians on the Shabbat.

The death cult terrorists of Hamas did murder innocent civilians in Israel, and they did it on the Shabbat. That is a sure recipe for a curse and damnation. The evil deeds curse of Hamas landed smack bang on the people of Gaza. They are reaping the very thing that Hamas has sowed.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio News should stop. Interviewing people that are ignorant of facts or they are pushing Antisemitic Islamic propaganda.

The IDF’s actions are rational and morally responsible. It is proportionate to what the death-cult terrorists have been planning for many years.

The representatives of Secular humanism are spiritually blind and incredibly shortsighted. They seem to think that the utopia for humanity is to fulfill their subjective carnal soulish desires and completely ignore the wisdom and the instructions that were given by the Creator of Life some 3470 years ago at Mount Sinai.

Thank God for Israel; they do respect and fear the Most High God by keeping His instructions. They are a witness to the worldwide false religions, death cults, and the Gentiles in general. The Jewish Holy Scriptures stand as a witness of His WILL for humanity.

Happy New Year Poem 2023

The Year

Poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

What can be said in New Year rhymes,
That’s not been said a thousand times?

The new years come, the old years go,
We know we dream, we dream we know.

We rise up laughing with the light,
We lie down weeping with the night.

We hug the world until it stings,
We curse it then and sigh for wings.

We live, we love, we woo, we wed,
We wreathe our brides, we sheet our dead.

We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,
And that’s the burden of the year.

Published on

Happy New Year Resolution To Clear the House.



Soviet-Russo Leadership is Afraid and freaking out about a Worldview that respects the principles of the Rule of Law.

History has recorded the attitude of the Bolsheviks towards the Rule of Law. Bolsheviks worked for 17 years to undermine the Russian Monarchy. Russian revolution blood bath anarchy was the means to establishing State atheism according to their subjective worldview. The Russian Bolsheviks did not recognize the wisdom of the Biblical Worldview where moral law and individual responsibility are laid out in the Book of Exodus chapter 20.

The Bolsheviks did not recognize human rights inherently given to humanity by the creator of Life (YHWH).

They murdered the entire Romanov family in their Russian bloodthirsty revolution fever. 

However,  human rights can be forfeited by evil actions. Deeds that violate the God-given moral code and cause harm to other people. The death sentence is for those that intentionally cause death to the innocent. 

History has been recorded for wisdom’s sake    

Consider this, in 1939, the Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin willingly agreed to join Adolf Hitler’s plan to pillage East Europe.

The objective was to invade Poland together. As a result, Germany invaded the Western half of Poland, and the USSR took the East side of Poland. People died, prisoners were taken, and much destruction of the Polish Nation.  

What were the Soviet Union leaders thinking about the death and destruction of the Polish Nation?

They had the same blood flowing in their veins as the Bolsheviks. Stalin had declared the Soviet Union State atheism in 1922. The USSR had built up its military force sufficiently to start pushing the small East European countries according to their totalitarian whims.

During the Russian civil war, 8,000,000 lives were lost. 1917-1922. The Bolsheviks or Red Russians saw it as a Russian Revolution victory that they had pulled off. Their next objective goal was the Global Communist Revolution.

Soviet Union leaders went to extremes to steamroll their Communist Worldview over Russian people, USSR satellite states. They had moles in the Western countries undermining the Western Worldview.   

People in the Western world fail to realize the severity of Bolshevik’s anarchist worldview.

They were criminally minded, all out to demolish law and order. They were murderers that violated the Spirit of the Natural Law. They were militant atheists that blatantly burned down churches burned religious books and Bibles.  

The Soviet Union leadership inherited evil demons of the Russian underground. They literally established the Evil empire in Russia in 1922.

NKVD. To study the nature of USSR leadership, read NKVD. It is essential to read about the Head of NKVD Lavrentiy Beria. A militant atheist, a sadist, delusional lost soul sold out to Satan’s will on earth.

Soviet-Russo Leadership 2022

Western World Leadership has been naïve and ignorant regarding the Bolsheviks, USSR, Joseph Stalin, and Soviet-Russo worldview.

How do we know the West was naïve and ignorant?

Because they failed to take note of Joseph Stalin’s war crimes and genocide, 1939-1945.

Why did they fail to take note? Because the Western leaders had their tails between their legs when Stalin was around dictating his terms.

Officers of Germany were taken to Nuremberg court, trialed, and sentenced. Nine of the Nazi war criminals were hung at the Nuremberg Gymnasium.

Molotov & Ribbentrop Pact 1939

Aggressive War against Peace 1939.

Katyn forest massacre 1940

Korea War


Syrian Civil War

Crimea Annexation by Russia.

Ukraine Russo War.

How much money have the United States taxpayers paid because of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin menace?

How much did the Cold War cost to the Americans?

Don’t the Americans have anything better to do than be watching over Europe 24/7?

Waiting for another delusional Soviet-Russo nationalism loony that gets loose with totalitarian dreams to rewrite the laws of nature?

There is unfinished business with the Civilized World and the leadership of Russia.

There is a clear pattern of Soviet-Russo doing violence to the Spirit of the Natural Law.

The Russian Leader’s Problem Is Spiritual In Nature.

  1. The transition pattern of a worldview, from the Bolsheviks to the Soviet Union State atheism.
  2. Soviet Union leadership to the Russian leadership.  
  3. The nature of the Beast is identical from 1922 to 2022.

There is no respect for the International Rule of Law. Based on the Spirit of the Natural Law.

Why would the civilized world people who understand and respect the inherent human rights allow professional criminals to violate human rights as they are doing in Ukraine 2022?

People who are immoral cowards do look away from the suffering of humanity.

Selfish people do look away when other people are suffering.

The ignorant, the weak-minded, and the weak-spirited people do hide when agents of evil turn up to establish the kingdom of Satan on earth.

Putin’s leadership bluff.

Russian President Putin always brings up the alibi that NATO is to blame.

The only reason why Putin is saying that is because it serves his strategic objective purpose. Every time Putin repeats it, NATO responds with a Press meeting with geopolitics to explain the NATO Mission purpose. Putin buys more time with his parroting like a Bing Bong match.

What is the real reason WHY SOVIET-RUSSO IS AFRAID OF NATO?

It is spiritual in Nature.

Spirit of the Natural Law does not sit comfortably with the Russian 2022 leadership. Why is that?

Because Russia had profited from the Joseph Stalin USSR war crimes for over 80 years. At the same time 90 year old Nazi war criminals are hounded from Aged Care, trialed and sentenced. With Russia the Western Leaders looked the other way. Why?

Human nature, they bounce like wild dogs on the weak when they are down. They bounced on Germany and the Japanese Nations. With the Soviet Union their tails went between their legs.

The Bolsheviks, Soviet Union, and the Soviet-Russo leadership have a spirit and a nationalistic worldview.

They also have an arrogant attitude like bullies typically do.

Why are the Russian leaders arrogant?

Because they have gotten away with an arrogant attitude for too long.

The German Nation was flattened because of their Nazi leader’s war crimes.

Similarly, the Japanese people Nation had two atom bombs dropped onto them because their leadership went rogue.

What about Joseph Stalin, who started World War 2 with Nazi Germany in 1939 ( Molotov & Ribbentrop Pact).

Joseph Stalin got away with war crimes and genocide. Yet, the Western Allies were like lame ducks in bringing Stalin to justice. That is the cause of the Russian leadership’s arrogance. They are full of their nationalistic Stalin Hero BS.

Western leaders are letting it slide because of their corruption and immorality. They love things and use people. It’s all about economics, stupid.

22,000 Polish Nationals genocide in 1940 did not make a blip on the Western Nation’s “moral” radar.

What about Syria Civil war casualties?

Western leaders did nothing. Obama’s red line was a lipstick.  

‘What about Ukraine in 2022?

How many hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian’s will the Russian lunatics murder in 2022?

Matthew 10:28 

“Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.“

Psalm 11:5          

“The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, And the one who loves violence His soul hates.”

Psalm 141:10     

“Let the wicked fall into their own nets, While I pass by safely.”

 Proverbs 6:16-19 ESV

” There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”…………

Russian Leadership Narrative In 2022 is False

Sergey Lavrov justification of the Russian invasion on February 24 was received with disgust. During the Lavrov video justification speech people at the UN left their seas and left. The Lavrov BS speech was unbearable to the minds of the Nations ambassadors to hear.


International Criminal Court In Hague.

“The International Criminal Court (ICC or ICCt) is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal that sits in The Hague, Netherlands.

“The ICC is the first and only permanent international court with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression.”

It is intended to complement existing national judicial systems, and it may, therefore, exercise its jurisdiction only when national courts are unwilling or unable to prosecute criminals.

“The ICC lacks universal territorial jurisdiction and may only investigate and prosecute crimes committed within member states, crimes committed by nationals of member states, or crimes in situations referred to the Court by the United Nations Security Council.”…………..



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Russian People Enemy has Been the 1917-1953 Bolshevik’s Erroneous Worldview.

The real enemy of Russian people over the last 100 years has been the enemy of their souls. Soviet Union State Atheism declared by Joseph Stalin was diabolically inspired, and did violence to the Spirit of the Natural Law.

The root of all evil is the obstinate human willful departure from the Spirit of the Natural Law.

Proverbs 3:5, 6.

“Trust in Adonai with all your heart; do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him; then he will level your paths.”

When and how did the Bolsheviks derail Russia away from the Spirit of the Natural law?

  1. They declared Soviet Union State Atheism in 1922.
  2. Bolsheviks stopped people in Russia from participating and practicing their faith in God.
  3. Churches shut down.
  4. Pastors and priests were imprisoned, tortured, and murdered to shut down religion.
  5. Bibles banned.
  6. Christian faith books and bibles were burned and destroyed.
  7. Faith professing believers sent to prison camps in Siberia.
  8. The Soviet Union was an anti-christ spirited movement.   
  9. The Soviet Union was built on satanic principles that denied the existence of an intelligent Creator of Life on earth, including human beings made in the image of God.
  10. Soviet Union leadership was morally corrupt, decadent, and unsustainable on planet earth.

Psalm 14  (CJB).

“Fools say in their hearts, There is no God.” They deal corruptly, their deeds are vile, not one does what is right”.

The Soviet Union leaders were fools, according to the wisdom of the Jewish Holy Scriptures.

Russian leaders were blinded by their own foolishness. They are tempted by the ego-centric nature of the Soviet Union’s military power.

The Soviet Union did not have any other power to manipulate their people in Russia, other than militarily and the false world view of Kar Marx.  

How is it possible that someone like Karl Marx (Jewish ancestry) would become an atheist and turn to satanism?

Temptation is the tool that Satan uses to deceive and lie to people’s minds. To turn truth into a lie and turn lies into truth.

Woe to those that call evil good.

Isaiah 5: 11, 12,20, 

11 “Woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks, who stay up late at night till they are inflamed with wine.

12 They have harps and lyres at their banquets, pipes and timbrels and wine, but they have no regard for the deeds of the Lord, no respect for the work of his hands”………….

20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet     and sweet for bitter.”

Soviet Union Dialectic Materialism Worldview

The Soviet regime had an ostensible commitment to the complete annihilation of religious institutions and ideas. Communist ideology could not coexist with the continued influence of religion even as an independent institutional entity,

so “Lenin demanded that communist propaganda must employ militancy and irreconcilability towards all forms of idealism and religion”, and that was called “militant atheism”.

“Militant” meant an uncompromising attitude toward religion and the effort of winning the hearts and minds of believers from a false philosophy.

Militant atheism became central to the ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and a high priority policy of all Soviet leaders. Convinced atheists were considered to be more politically astute and virtuous individuals.”



Worldview Conflicts in 2020 Conflicting Worldviews are the primary reason for unrest, rebellion, and wars in the world. Worldview preference, presumptions, illusions, and choice are always present in human psychology and demonstrated in society with life values, relationships, education, beliefs, ethics,   religion, endeavors, and Nationalism.

Most often individual people may not be conscious of their own Worldview in detail or how different it may be from other people in their own society or other people’s and Nation society. There are International events that do draw people together from all over the world, whether it is around government, religion, sports, natural disasters, Media event, or some kind of cultural festival event.   Worldview is often absorbed through national identity and hidden behind decades of family values, from parents, relationships in society.

People are generally ushered in, conformed, and molded into a society with a national identity and a culturally learned Worldview. The spirit of Nationalism often overrides the details of specific ethics and moral values. Nationalism can override ethics and moral values if the spirit of Nationalism is lifted up blindly with zeal as a higher value. Historical National narrative is often the motivator to compel people into a nationalistic Worldview.

Suppose a Worldview has a moral and ethical framework that Nationalism must abide inside. In that case, it can be a good and positive power that keeps the people united with a common purpose.  

Historical interpretation of World War One and World War Two.

National biases and government leader’s corruption has manipulated the actual facts of history away from Truth.

Victor’s justice is a mechanism that government leaders have used to manipulate history’s facts to suit their own interests, political, and economic agenda.

From Moses’s times on mount Sinai 3460 years ago, the Holy Scriptures are explicit and clearly present and define what is acceptable and what is prohibited by the Creator of Life on Earth. Holy God does not tolerate hardcore atheism in government leaders that are the false prophets of people society. Isaiah, the prophet, saw and felt the same confusion at the time in his society. He explicitly spoke out what the mind and the Word of the Lord were regarding what is morally right and what is Morally Wrong.

Isaiah 5: 18-24.

  “Woe to those who begin by pulling at transgression with a thread, but end by dragging sin along as if with a cart rope. They say, “We want God to speed up his work, to hurry it along, so we can see it! We want the Holy One of Isra’el’s plan to come true right now, so we can be sure of it!” Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter! Woe to those seeing themselves as wise, esteeming themselves as clever. Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine, men whose power goes to mixing strong drinks, who acquit the guilty for bribes but deny justice to the righteous! Therefore, as fire licks up the stubble, and the chaff is consumed in the flame; so their root will rot, and their flowers scatter like dust; because they have rejected the Torah of Adonai-Tzva’ot, they have despised the word of the Holy One of Isra’el.”  

That is precisely what Isaiah warned the people of Israel against.

And it is exactly what the Bolshevik leaders committed in Russia 1900-1922. Creating the Soviet Union State Atheism. They violated every God-given principle in the most potent blatant ways, torturing, imprisoning, and murdering millions of God’s people.

It did not stop with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Russian leaders have the same spirit of the Soviet Union State Atheism, with Joseph Stalin Communism Worldview’s principles, as the driving force of Russian Nationalism.

They do not recognize the Spirit of the Holy God or the instructions and commands given with the Oracles of God in the Torah. In fact, the Soviet Union leaders were the enemies of God in every way imaginable.  

Expansion of False Worldview Information

Whether a cause is good and has merit, people get together and share their circumstances, life experiences, hopes, and ideas.   Leaders also share publicly, market, and promote their ideas, products, and services or a particular Worldview. Usually either a liberal or a conservative Worldview. A Liberal Worldview usually without an ideology and also fewer rules and constraints for moral behavior. Conservative Worldview most often has a Worldview, with rules and constraints for morally right behavior.”……………………..


Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 5400-5403).

Bloggers Guide To arctic Lapland









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Bloggers Guide To Lapland Finland

The Arctic environment in Lapland is an excellent environment for photography, a fantastic way to share the unique real Arctic environment with friends and family that may not have the opportunity to physically experience the Arctic environment. The Arctic environment goes through extreme changes of the seasons, and each season is uniquely stunning to experience. 

Summer to autumn experience.

The climate in the Nordic Lapland summer season temperature is temperate for trekking, with open views of rolling tundra hills, bubbling fresh arctic freshwater springs, dríggling creeks, running rivers and calm lakes.

Brilliantly vivid colors of the ground cover in the Autumn season. There is a splash of colors over the landscape, from the conifers and the deciduous trees, various deciduous wild berry shrubs, and the moss-covered ground cover. The autumn colors of Lapland are an array of green, Auburn, blue, orange, red and yellow.

Winter experience

Snow covered winter wonderland, dark days of the midwinter solstice. Calm weather and constant snowfall that may go on for days. Spring season around February opens up with longer days and sunlight. Occasionally completely clear night skies with twinkling stars and at times the ebb and flow of the Northern lights in the freezing black night air. Morning clear blue skies and glistening white snow with a snow crust on top that lasts for several hours.

Spring Season experience

The spring season sunshine is a pleasure to experience while traveling backcountry along rolling hills and tundra mountains.

The summer season is also fantastic in the natural environment, with the new life that springs up from a long cold winter. Bird migration is often a sure sign of the coming summer, also the new growth on deciduous trees that springs up bursting with new life.        

Where to go for a holiday in Arctic Finland

There are at least 12 regions that have a hub of seasonal activities during the holiday seasons.  Here are some of them listed.

1.            Kilpisjärvi

2.            Inari

3.            Ivalo

4.            Saariselka.

5.            Pyhä / Luosto

6.            Äkäslompolo

7.            Pallas.

8.            Ylläs

9.            Salla

10.         Lewi

11.         Karigasniemi

12.         Rovaniemi

This list being numbered is not in any particular order, each region is unique with its own history, culture, facilities, and cultural traditions.  In order of size and modernization of destination hubs in Lapland could start from Rovaniemi, Lewi, Saariselkä,  Ylläs, Pyhä/luosto, Salla, Kilpisjärvi, Ivalo, Inari, and Pallas. 

The above is not an exhaustive list of all the holiday hub destination locations in Lapland, it does give a general idea of the variations of the size, and the urban modernization of the facilities, holiday centers, and Ski Resorts.

Pallas is a national park, with very little development made there, in comparison to other locations like Lewi and Saariselkä. Rovaniemi is a city, while Salla, Karigasniemi, Ivalo, and Inari are towns. Ylläs Tundra and Lewi mountains are the only ones with a Gondola to the summit.

Know your holiday destination as much as possible

To know your holiday destination in advance much as possible does provide many benefits, it can eliminate the loss of your valuable time, loss of resources, and loss of the holiday expectations that you may have had before departing on a memorable exotic location holiday of a lifetime.

Thank you for checking out Bloggers Guide To Lapland Finland video and book.    

Arctic Summer Environment

Arctic Summer Environment

The Arctic summer environment is a dynamic environment that breaks out with a persistently powerful  life force of nature after being dormant and hyphenating for some 6 months over the autumn and winter seasons. Surprisingly fast recovery of the natural environment in the Nordic environment, including the migration of millions of migrating birds fro the Nordic summer.

Here is a sample picture gallery of the Nordic Summer Environment and the Nordic region of Finland.

Thank you for visiting website. For more Arctic Summer Environment images visit website.  More Nordic Berry Images at


Being a Quality Parent

When you Live far away from your Children

 After a divorce one of the parents may find it is necessary to relocate. They may need to get away from the place that holds so many memories for them. They may need to transfer for a job. Since it can be expensive to run a household on your own, it may be necessary so you can have the assistance of friends and family.

 It is still possible to be a quality parent when you live far away from your children. Make sure they understand you didn’t move to get away from them. They will need to know this from you. Don’t assume they know it because too many children do end up blaming themselves for such factors after a divorce occurs.

 Let your children know where you will be moving to and why. Let them know how they can get into contact with you. This way they won’t feel abandoned in any way. If there is a time change between where you live and where they live, make sure they know about that too. This way they will have the best chances of getting in touch with you.

 Do all you can to stay connected to your children. They should feel like they can call you any time of the day or the night. They should have your home number as well as a cell phone number. If the long distance charges are a problem for the other parent, then send your children a prepaid phone card. You should attempt to be in contact with them at least every couple of days, even if it is only to talk for a few minutes.

 Take some time to stay interested in what your children are doing. Find out what is going on at school. As about their friends and their activities. If they are involved in sports, then ask them to let you know about the games. A digital camera is a great way to send pictures to each other. Email can also allow you to post messages on a regular basis to them. Don’t forget the old-fashioned letter or even some cards too so they will know you are thinking of them.

 It is going to take some proper scheduling and planning to see your children when you live far away. It isn’t fair to ask for them to come out every holiday, spring break, Christmas break, and for the summer. They will want to spend some of that down time with the parent they live with. They will also want to spend some of that time with their friends.

 It may be more cost effective for you to travel to where they are at then it will be to bring them to you. It depends on how far away you are and how many children you have. The ages of the children matter too as younger ones often have a difficult time traveling. Most airlines do allow older children to fly alone, but this can be hard for parents to accept.

 Some parents that live far away from their children feel the only way to show they care is to send expensive gifts. While those are a nice bonus, that isn’t what it is all about. Your children want to know that you love them and that you care about them. They want to know that no matter how many miles are between you, they have a loving and supportive parent that is always there for them.

Thank you for visiting Arctic Freshwater website and reading up on this  Being a Quality Parent article post. For more related articles visit


Learn To Fly A Blimp

Somebody Has to Fly the Goodyear Blimp

Getting your pilot’s license is just the start of a life in the world of aviation that can really take you anywhere. While there is a lot you can do with just a private pilot’s license, you can take that starting point and go into helicopter flight, flying gliders or even on up into larger aircraft until you get licensed to fly the big jets for the big airlines.

But one specialization that you may or may not have thought of is flying those blimps that you see over stadiums during ball games or over the parades at holidays. We tend to take for granted that they are up there doing whatever Goodyear or whoever owns the blimp wants them to do all by themselves. But somebody has to fly those blimps and your pilot’s license is a good launch into what will become a very fascinating job that is unlike anything else in aviation.

A Blimp Pilot

Becoming a blimp pilot means finding the right company with the organization that is staffing for that job. But flying a blimp is not a fast paced job in term of the flying you will do. Most of the time a blimp travels very slowly because, obviously, a blimp is large and cumbersome and it really cannot maneuver that quickly. It is designed to hover in place and move slowly over the destination such as a ball game so the top speed you will reach in the air might be thirty five miles per hour.

Another big difference when flying a blimp is that you will hover the craft fairly close to the ground compared to a faster moving airplane. Sometimes you will fly as low as 1000 to 1500 feet which means at that height, you can actually see the people on the ground and at that speed, you can wave at them.

Flying A Billboard

Because blimps are used almost entirely for promotional or recreational purposes, your role as the pilot of a blimp almost puts you into show business yourself. You will have a much greater interaction with people who come to see the blimp so you will enjoy far more socialization that you might as a private pilot which sometimes can be a bit of a lonely job.

By the very nature of why companies keep blimps, if you land that pilots job, you are going to be traveling virtually nonstop. So be sure you really like to see the world and that this kind of travel is not going to disrupt family life. It’s a great job if you are young and have not started your family yet and you just want to have some adventure.

If you wish to make becoming a blimp pilot a real objective, take your existing pilot’s license and become certified as a lighter than air pilot as well. It won’t be that much more work and it positions you perfectly to fly a blimp. As you wait for the chance to get in the door with the few organizations that do operate blimps, you can go ahead and log some good experience using your pilots license in a charter situation so you have a solid resume of flying when you are ready to specialize flying blimps.

The “big break” you will be looking for is just to get in on the ground floor with a company that owns and operates a blimp. You may have to serve your time as part of the ground crew of the blimp but that by itself is a fascinating job. Here is where you will learn the technical aspects of maintaining a blimp and the safety issues that go into keeping a big vehicle like that aloft.

Sky is the Limit

Your flight experience then will put you in line to apply for the pilot or co pilot position when it becomes available. And by becoming an experienced crew member, you will be in an ideal place if the company decides to add a blimp and needs a whole new crew including a pilot. While the pay of a blimp pilot is not going to make you rich, you will see the world and you will have one of the most unique jobs in aviation. And if you get to fly over the Super Bowl and have a birds eye view of the biggest game of the year, well that’s just another one of the great perks of being a blimp pilot.

Thank you fro visiting website and reading this Learn To Fly A Blimp article post.

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