Arctic ice melt can cause mass migration

Arctic ice melt can cause mass migration

Arctic ice melt can cause mass migration due to the affect of Global Warming has, and its toll is already apparent on the Arctic coastlines. It has wide range of consequences affecting farming, live stock, wild life and also human habitations are affected in many ways.

Arctic ice melt can cause mass migration
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Rising sea levels threaten equatorial zones and low islands

The Arctic’s sea ice has been melting over decades and this has also impacted on sea levels as it has been on the increase in the recent years.
With the sea level rising and the equatorial zones & low island nations being the hardest hit, some others are being endangered with total desertion.
In recent times, this situation had swallowed up certain islands – thus forcing evacuation due to sea water rising. Folks near affected regions have been forced to migrate to higher grounds as shorelines have recoiled by as much as 200 feet.

Fresh water resources affected by rising sea water

Affected residents have scrambled to locate newer homes since salty waters have invaded and made their ground water source undrinkable.
With the Arctic ice melting and disappearing into the sea; the sea level would continue to rise and with a condition quite challenging to regional residents. The ecosystems and species would be forced to take an exit option for their own safety and security.

Man made air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions

Researchers claim that human conservatory gas emissions are responsible for about 80% of the Arctic melting since the 70’s. And as the arctic melts, its weighty white cover is substituted by dark ocean water that engages more of the sun’s heat, heating the ocean and resulting to further melting. And even when ice stays left, if it is thin, sunbeams pierces it and warms the water.

The Arctic, in its part influences our weather and climates. The variance in fall and winter temperatures between the cooler Arctic and more southern areas is what moves weather configurations around the Northern Hemisphere. But warmer Arctic temperatures have decreased and as a result, weather situations seem to stand in place for a longer time, producing great snowfalls, droughts and heat waves.

Warming of the Arctic seawater’s

As Arctic seawater’s warm up the ice sheet melts away, species prevalent to the North Atlantic Ocean are finding their way north and whales that were once hindered by ice cover, such as the slayer whales, blue and gray whales are now moving into the same region.
The several millions of folks living in the Arctic must be able to contend with coastal wearing down, warmer temperatures, and changes in the animal and plant species that some traditional lifestyles depend upon. Whilst sea rise and coastal erosion looms these populations, the warming of the Arctic may also offer new prospects such as support for agriculture. For instance, an earlier spring may help to enhance plant growth and permit for lengthier growing season. Residents could profit as certain fish classes like cod and herring move north because of heating oceans further south.

For more information on the Arctic visit web site


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